Friday, January 28, 2011

About books and things like this

I'm reading something called "shiver"(the book in the picture). Well, I can say that it's not the best think I ever read. It is really boring, and looks like a Twilight dejavu. I just can't keep reading. Get worse in each page, but I'm not here to talk about bad things. Tomorrow is the day! I didn't know, but three friends; Caique, Luan and Anelise (two brothers and a sister) are going to the same club at the same time that me. Wonderful! We'll have a great time. I'm shure! and more, I'll probably meet a friend I don't see for long, Ten years, I think. Raphael is his name. Hope he remind me.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

yesterday was...

...a great night. Spent time with my friends Guilherme and Julio. There was 1:00 a.m. and we was watching "Friends" and eating hamburgers. Was Awesome.
Good news about find something useful to do. I'm going to a club at friday. Maybe I'll take some photos from there.
I was trying to make a bouquet with roses and these little flowers, but got so ugly... Then I used just the roses. they are really beautiful. I'm always taking some from my garden.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


For one of the best people I know. Yeah, you deserve more than a photo, but it's all I can give you for while. Love you so much, guy. Don't doubt it. And you're not getting old. You're getting better.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Hi. This is Hani, my little friend. She's doing all that I wanted to do while the day. Boredom is around me since december. The best thing I did this week was go to a library with my friend André. He doesn't have nothing at all to do (just like me). So going out together is the best we can do. I promissed to myself I would get something useful to do until August.
Keep searching.


Hello. That's my first post here.
And about the way I'm feeling tonight, well, people told me things that really shocked me. And the problem is that I don't know if I should be happy or sad about it. I though I would be happy at first, but scared me. Of course I can't tell who those people are or what they told me, but is a strange night. Hope be better tomorrow.
This photo shows all I need now. Some tea and one of my favourite books.